Migraine piercing

Therapeutic piercing
Migraine piercing

A piercing based on an ancient Chinese acupuncture point that helps relieve migraine headaches and anxiety by stimulating the migraine point.

Migraine point stimulation can help in the following cases:

  • Migraine headache
  • Tension headache
  • Hypertensive headache
  • Severe headache
  • Hormonal headache
  • Weather front effect sensitivity

It usually takes 14 days for the effects to appear in the body.

Migraine piercing is not a miracle cure, unfortunately we cannot promise that it will help, because there are many different people and the symptoms can be triggered by many different reasons.

For some it works immediately, for some it partially helps, for some unfortunately it doesn’t.

Migraine piercing can help with all types of primary headaches, so it is not only a solution for migraine headaches.